Who are we ?

We are on a mission to provide your pet with veterinary care in the comfort of your home. In the last years, we noticed a growing demand for home visits. We understand how stressful it can be transporting your pet to a clinic, so we want to remove that worry by coming to you. Our focus is on preventive medicine and stress-free home consultations; this is how Home Vet Eindhoven was born!

Meet Audrey, our veterinarian

My name is Audrey and I qualified as a Veterinary Surgeon from the University of Ghent. Since 2012 I have been working as a veterinarian both at home and abroad. I’ve spent a few years living and working in Zanzibar and in Suriname. I returned to the Netherlands in 2017 and have been working in several clinics in the Eindhoven region since then. I started as an independent veterinarian at the beginning of 2021. I supported various practices around Eindhoven during illnesses, holidays etcetera. I noticed the growing demand for home visits, especially for the scared animals and the farewell of your beloved pets. It fully suited my wishes when I was given the opportunity to take over Home Vet Eindhoven in 2023. I live near Eindhoven with my partner, our son and my two (dog) souvenirs from the tropics, Rafiki and Mies.


After graduating, I immediately left for Zanzibar. I lived there for a year in a hut in the jungle. Under harsh conditions I had to perfom all kind of veterinary procedures. Over there I did a lot of surgeries for the first time. I had to do the best I could given the circumstances. It was extremely educational and I will benefit from it for the rest of my (working) life.


In 2015 I moved to Suriname and worked there for two years in a veterinary practice. I had to deal with a lot of conditions such as parvo, leptospirosis, dystemper and blood parasites. In addition, snake bites, poisonings and collisions were commonplace. I took part in sterilization and castration projects and I was partly responsible for animal health at the local zoo and some other foundations.